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1 Enoch





The Septuagint’s chapter/verse numbering system sometimes differs from Masoretic-based Bibles. Eventually, the location of the verse in the Masoretic will appear underneath the LXX number.


This Interlinear is under construction. Do not use it for study. It was initially generated by Artificial Intelligence. Only part of it has been proof-read by humans. Right now, it contains many mistakes. This interlinear text will be fixed and improved over time.

1En. 34:1
1En. 34:1

The original manuscripts did not have punctuation, capitalization, diacritics, nor chapter and verse breaks. If these later additions are in the wrong place, they could distort the original meaning and cause mistranslations.

— Swete Septuagint (Interlinear) —

a Considered inspired by the Catholic Church.

b Considered inspired by the Eastern Orthodox Church.

c Considered inspired by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.

d Not considered inspired by any large denomination; traditionally included in the Septuagint for its usefulness and/or historical importance.

e Universally considered to be an inspired book, but the Septuagint’s version contains extra parts not regarded as inspired by Protestant denominations.