handyman chevron_right Dictionary of Greek from Strong’s Concordance chevron_right μετάIndex view_list




Sounds like met•ah'

Properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive association, or accusative succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between #00575 (ἀπό / apó) or #01537 (ἐκ / ek) and #01519 (εἰς / eis) or #04314 (πρός / prós); less intimate than #01722 (ἐν / en) and less close than #04862 (σύν / sýn)).

Derived a primary preposition (often used adverbially).


This information may be out-of-date. This dictionary was created in 1890 and may not reflect the latest manuscript discoveries and research.